The goal of a game of Poker is to win. The winner is the person with the highest winning hand. The highest hand is called a “pair”, and there are two different types of pairs: high and low. There are ties if no one has a pair. Ties can occur when there are several people with the same high card, or if the high card is higher than the other cards. There are many different ways to break a tie in Poker.
The first player is known as the dealer, and in casual play, this role rotates among players. A dealer button (also known as a buck) is used to mark the player who handles the cards for each hand. The dealer button is usually a white disk, and indicates the nominal dealer. Betting occurs in a clockwise direction around the poker table. After the initial betting round, players reveal their hands. The process is repeated in a clockwise fashion, so that only players who have not folded their hands have a chance to win.
The game has a seedy history. Many shady characters used the word “poke” to play card games and cheated unsuspecting opponents. In addition to the word “poke,” some people used the word “poker” as slang. It was also believed that the word was added with an “r” to confuse players who were familiar with slang. Today, poker is a popular game throughout the world.